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Reseeding and truffle traps with Formatruffe®

After several years of research in the Culturtruf and Systruf framework, it has been established that the reproduction of truffles is a sexual reproduction.

In this one, therefore, both mating-types ( we then speak of paternal tissue and maternal tissue). With our mycorrhization technique, we find both mating-types on our truffle plants.

However, it seems essential to reseed the plantations in order to maximize the potential.

This can be done in several ways: either by a special reseeding substrate that we will put around the young truffle plant and incorporate it into the soil by hoeing, or by carrying out "truffle traps" which will have the additional advantage of encouraging the fruiting of truffles.

It is very important to pay great attention to reseeding and to incorporate only the tuber melanosporum fungus in order to avoid external contamination. To do this, and for several years, we have developed a specific substrate: Formatruffe®.

This unique substrate is ready-to-use, there is no longer any need to manipulate between the inoculum and a diverse and therefore rarely suitable substrate. It contains all the elements necessary to promote mycorrhization and above all to preserve the essential elements for the fruiting of the truffle.


Blond peat with substrate aerator.

Water retainers (a piece of hydro-retainer can swell up to 300 times its volume).

Truffle spores controlled by the CTIFL in the laboratory, (80 million spores per bag) in order to have a varietal guarantee.

Bacteria activator.

PH corrector.


The optimal period for carrying out truffle traps or reseeding is from March to the beginning of May, when carrying out the tillage.

Truffle traps: With the help of a auger, make 4 to 6 holes in your burnt material with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm and a depth of 25 cm. Make holes in the sixty centimeters before the annual enlargement of the burn. Incorporate between 1 L and 1.5 L of Formatruffe® at the bottom of the hole and imperatively backfill with the soil previously extracted.

Reseeding on young trees: Scatter 1 liter of Formatruffe® substrate on the ground over approximately 1 m² around your trees between the 2nd and 5th year of planting. Subsequently, hoeing is essential for good incorporation into the soil and good mixing of the previously extracted material.

You can also incorporate Formatruffe® as soon as you plant, this will add spores from planting by also providing nutrients and hydro-retainers favorable to the recovery of your plant.


With a bag of Formatruffle you can make between 35 and 40 truffle traps or reseeding.

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